Process description
Service requests
A one-time allowance in the care of the newborn child shall be paid 200 euros for each of the Tukuma county in the place of residence declared a newborn child.
The right to receive the benefit of newborn child care is one of the parents of a child, the child's legal representative or, if this benefit is paid for a person who has adopted or taken custody of children under six months of age.
In order to receive an allowance for the care of the newborn child, the claimant, Tukuma county council, local government agency „Tukuma county social services,” or his residence in the county administration shall submit a written request, which shall specify:
1. his name, surname, personal identity number,
2. the newborn's name, surname, personal identity number,
3. a credit institution or postal settlement system account number
4. the legal representative, if the recipient of the legal basis, there is no parent of a child.Receipt of services
You may receive the benefits:
1. by means of a transfer to the requesting account
2. cash into the coffers of the Agency.
The allowance shall be granted if:
1. the child was placed in a child with out-of-family long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution
2. the child after birth, lived less than seven twenty-four hour periods.