Execution deadline in working days
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Any person
Receiving restrictions

Permission for the holding of meetings, walks or pickets shall be required if the person wishes to organise a public meeting, procession or picket in the county of Tuma.
The meeting, procession or picket of organising such measures shall not require permission from the closed meetings, those which have not announced publicly, is being held on premises, as well as, if it is organised by the State or self-government institutions.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    - the application shall be submitted to the local government in the administrative territory of which the relevant measure is provided. If a measure takes place in the administrative territory of several municipalities, the application shall be submitted to all relevant local governments. The local government shall send a true copy of the application to the relevant territorial State Police department.
    - the application shall be submitted not earlier than four months and not later than 10 working days before the operation of the measure in question.
    - regarding the time when the application is submitted, local government employees shall make a note on the copy of the application, which shall remain with the applicant.
    - upon receipt of the application, the local government shall ascertain whether all the requirements of the Law on Meetings, Walks and Pickets have been complied with.

    When submitting the application, the natural person shall present his or her passport, but the representative of the legal person shall present his or her passport and shall submit the power of the legal person to apply.
    All persons mentioned in the application must indicate the name, surname, personal identity number and residence and legal persons must bear the full name, registered office and registration number.

  2. Receipt of services
    The service is received according to the selection of the request, personally in person, by mail or by electronic means.