Process description
Service requests
A person who wishes to be an adopter shall present a personal identification document in the Orphan's Court, in the territory of which the place of residence of the person has been declared, and submit the following documents:
1) an application for adoption indicating the reasons for adoption, the religious conviction of the adopter, ethnicity and the language of communication, the desired number, sex and age to be adopted, other essential circumstances which may affect the life of the child to be adopted together with the relevant person;
2) a copy of the marriage certificate (presenting the original), if it is in a marriage;
3) a copy of the document certifying the divorce (presenting the original) if the marriage has been divorced;
4) a document attesting the guarantee with the residential area;
5) a description of the lifetime (CV);
6) a statement issued by a family doctor regarding the current state of health of a person, as well as the opinion of a psychiatrist regarding the state of mental health of the person and the opinion of the narcotic and psychotropic person regarding the personal addiction or other addictive substances;
7) information regarding income;
8) an extract of a court judgment or a certified copy of the transcript, with which the person has limited capacity to act, if the capacity of the person is limited;
9) an extract of a court judgment or a certified copy of the transcript regarding the recognition of the other spouse as missing (missing), if the spouse of the person has been recognised as missing (missing).
If a person wishes to adopt the child of the other spouse, the application shall be accompanied by a copy of the birth certificate of the child to be adopted (presenting the original), as well as the consent of the parents of the child for adoption or a document certifying that any of the following conditions exist:
1) the other parent has been deprived of custody rights in accordance with the procedures specified in the Law;
2) the second parent is dead.Service Processing
Within a period of six months after receipt of the application for adoption, the Orphan's Court shall evaluate the suitability of the person for the status of the adopter. During the evaluation:
1) evaluate the motivation of adoption, the relationship between family members and the ability to raise a child, including the opinion of all persons living in an undivided holding regarding the adoption of a child;
2) ascertain the family life conditions and evaluate the material condition;
3) request information regarding the information regarding the person and other persons living in the undivided holding included in the Register of Finance;
4) if the adopter has lived permanently (for more than one year) in foreign states during the last two years, the Orphan's court shall request the adopter to submit information regarding the information regarding the person included in the criminal register of the relevant State;
5) ascertain whether a person has limited capacity to act;
6) send a person to a psychologist who has acquired at least a master's degree in psychology and whose professional activity in the study of children and family has been for at least five years in order to receive an opinion regarding suitability for adoption;
7) send a person to acquire the training programme of the adopter. After the successful acquisition of the programme, the person shall be issued with the relevant certificate, which she shall submit to the Orphan's Court. The re-acquisition of the education programme of the adopter is not necessary if the person wishes to adopt the next child;
8) a foster family who wishes to adopt a child placed in his or her foster family does not have to acquire the training programme referred to above.Receipt of services
After the assessment of the conformity of the person and the completion of the family research, the Orphan's Court shall take an appropriate decision. If the Orphan's Court decides to recognise a person as suitable for the status of the adopter, it shall indicate in the decision the number, age and sex to be adopted.
The decision of the Orphan's Court regarding the recognition of a person as an adopter shall be in force for three years from the date of the taking thereof.